Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Wow, snow in Seattle. It pretty much sucks when it snows here because this area just does not use the tools necessary to make the roads safe or even driveable. We ended up getting about a foot of snow over a few days, and I'm glad I'm not riding my bike any more, because I would be super annoyed if I were trying to get miles in.

I ended up running 10 miles on Saturday, it was awesome.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Season over...finally..and Dinseyland too.

I am really glad CX is over, I was getting sick of the monotony of riding my bike. Moving up to cat. 2 didn't exactly make things any easier either. The last race was Dec. 1st, which was also the last day I rode my bike. It may be a while before I ride it again for a couple reason. Snow, ice, and the fact that I started running again. I kind of missed it. I sure would like to try to run a sub 3:00 marathon. I know I have the capability to do it, I just need to put the effort in, which has never been one of my problems. We'll see...I've only been running 2 weeks.

I did go to Disneyland also. It was a great trip. My parents met my wife and son there, what a great place to visit although the air quality was horrendous. It is so nice to be able to spend time with everyone and not have to worry about anything else except relaxing, having fun, and spending time with family. It doesn't get much better than that. Thanks guys.