Monday, August 31, 2009

Running some Trails

Trails. About time I ran some. Lord Hill is only 15 minutes from my house and I hardly ever run there. I actually got in a 60 minute run yesterday though, I only took one wrong turn. It ended up taking a couple miles off of my run. The downhills were pretty sketchy, it was like running on marbles. Some of the newer single track was great to run though, lots of traction, up and over fallen trees, hardly every stright. Good stuff for sure.

I didn't see any bears or cougars either. Although at the trail entrance they have the proverbial "what to do if you encounter a cougar while out on the trail" sign. Youmean, besides crap my shorts? I could offer one a gel or something if I have one on me. Would that be more tasty throat? Not sure. Anyhoo, it was a great morning for a run. I need to get out there at least once per week at least until Baker Lake 50K is here.

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