Saturday, July 16, 2011


I think I finally turned the corner on this messed up year. After running a mediocre 39:30 10K (and the course was a bit long, and I haven't done official speed work in years) I feel like I am back on the horse. I have run 120 miles in the past 2 weeks, the body is recovering, and I am enjoying every run. I have a 50K to race in a few weeks, and tentatively am going to run a (hopefully) fast 50 mile in October, followed by a respectable 100 in November. Of course, the way things have gone this year everything is tentative, but I am optimistic that I will be racing more often and will hopefully find the fitness I had last fall. Things are looking up anyway, I hope this feeling extends to some of my other running friends going through not so fun times. It's been a tough year for a lot of people.

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