Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Ron Herzog 50K

Holy crap that weather sucked. I think it hailed, rained, snowed, windy, rain some more, on and on and on - all at the same time. Only for about 20 of the 32 miles, so I guess it wasn't that bad. Or more accurately, it could have been worse. I couldn't see that during the race though, maybe because of the fog.

I ran with Glen for most of the race, he was keeping me in check and making sure I didn't go too fast for a training run. Although I think I can actually thank the chocolate milk he drank before the run more than anything. Glen marked the trail like a dog at a dog park. He now owns Forest Road # 41. Or as the cool kids would say pwned... got me, I'm old, balding, ugly and definitely not too hip on what's cool. Hell, I ride a scooter dubbed "Little Blue Flame(r)." Nuff said.

Glen and I started pretty easy. Hurdling the puddles like Jenny Barringer (no relation that I know of) in the 300 steeplechase. We had a good time and were running 3rd and 4th to the 1/2 way point. It was pouring like a sonuvabitch at the top and they had a tarp over our drop bags. The volunteers filled my bottle because my hands were numb. I thanked them profusely and waved my flaccid stub goodbye as I started my return trip. It was really fun going back with most of it downhill, until the numb fingers attempted to open a Clif bar. It was pretty pathetic sight watching me for 5 minutes wrestle the wrapper. I couldn't grasp the paper, I couldn't bite the thing open. Glen tried and couldn't get it either. I actually stopped for a minute and tried to use a rock to rip the damn thing out. No luck. Eventually I did get it open but ended up eating it while running uphill, which is not the best place to do it. After about 1/2 way through the thing it tasted like sand and was all over my mouth and not giving into gravity. Other than that it was pretty uneventful. I picked up the pace with about 8 miles to go and ended up crossing the line in 4:22. 5th place. Way faster than Baker Lake, but this course is basically a road race with zero single track and is pretty conducive to a fast run despite the early elevation gain. You gotta hand it to the volunteers at the 1/2 way point as they weather there was the worst of the day. Thank you.

Glen ran 4:32.
150 miles in 15 days and my legs responded pretty well. I actually ran 12 the next day and felt decent too.

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