Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Baker Lake 50K here I come

Well, I think I'm going to do this race. I'm not exactly in ultra shape, but this is barely past a marathon. I ran it before, finished 10th overall after not having run more than 15 miles. Seriously. I was running that far pretty frequently, so I just decided to run 15 miles 2 days in a row 3 weeks before the race. I ran slow. But it worked. I survived. And did OK too.

This year I have time to get in a couple 20+ mile runs. I've been doing 13-14 mile runs at 6:40 - 6:45 pace so I should be able to go out and run these at 8:00 pace OK. It's only been a couple months since I last ran a marathon anyway. Although I still think like a bike rider where I think I can just jack up my mileage and not pay the consequences. We'll see what happens though. I'll run 20+ tonight and mail in the entry afterwards.

Hopefully my next blog heading doesn't say...No Baker Lake...or something like that.

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